The Ability And Strength Of The Legendary Djinn / Jinn
Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural God given powers together with the powers of good djinn / jinn in healing different disease and together with different problems
I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.
Allah has given the jinn power and ability that He has not given humans. Allah has informed us of some of their ability, including great speed and strength, along with their ability to possess both living and nonliving bodies.
Strong & Fast Moving
They can move from place to place very fast; and can carry objects/people along with them. From Majmu-al-fatwa of Ibn Tamiyya, we find stories about people who used to travel from place to place through the air – they were all carried by the Jinn. More stories tell us about people who lived far away from each other. Yet they used to communicate with each other through messages, all exchanged by a Jinn. There are hundreds of other stories that confirm the same ability.
This ability is also confirmed from the Quran that when Solomon (as) asked his men whether there is anyone who will bring me the throne of Bilqis (Queen of Sheba – who was on her way to surrender to Solomon). An Efreet from among the Jinn promised Solomon (as) that he would be able to bring the throne of Sheba to Jerusalem in a period of time that was so short that a man would not be able to stand from his place of sitting. But one who had knowledge of the Book said, “I will bring it before your gaze returns to you” Allah has described this incident in the Quran with the following verses:
“A strong among the Jinn (efreet) said: I will bring it to you before you can rise from your place. Lo! I verily am strong and trusty for such work. One whom had knowledge of the scripture said: I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you. And when he saw it set in his presence, and he said, ‘This is from the bounties of my Lord’” (al-Naml: 39-40)
Builders & Divers
It is also known from the Quran that the Jinn used to build Castles for Solomon, those who would dive into the depths of Oceans and bring jewels and pearls from the depths below.
”And (We gave him – Solomon) certain of the jinn who worked before him by permission of his Lord. And such of them as deviated from Our command, them We caused to taste the punishment of flaming fire. They made for him what he willed: Synagogues and statues, basins like wells and boilers built into the ground” (Saba 12-13).
“So We made the wind subservient unto him (Solomon), setting fair by His command whatever he intended. And the devils, every builder and diver (made We subservient), and others linked together in chains.” (Saud 36-38)
Another verse in the Quran implies that they made Solomon a Castle of Glass [Quartz].
In preparation for the arrival of Bilqis, Prophet Sulayman (A) had ordered a palace of glass to be built. Under the glass floors, there was a pool of water with various kinds of fish swimming in it. When Bilqis arrived, he took her to the palace. The Holy Qur’an says:
“She was told, “Enter the palace.”; but when she saw it she thought there was a pool of water and bared her legs. (Sulayman) said, “Indeed this is but a place of glass.” (She) said, “My Lord! verily I have been unjust to myself. I submit with Sulayman to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.” (Quran 27:44)
Likewise, the Pyramids and the wonders of Petra are plausibly all the work of the Jinn. We find much affiliation between the pharaohs and the jinn of that time in Egypt. I will write about this in detail, soon Insha’Allah. – Next Page
Defying gravity
We can expect this ability from the above two characteristics. The jinn used to go to the lowest heaven to eavesdrop on the inhabitants of the heavens in order to find out what event would occur in the future. When the Prophet (saw) was sent his message the number of ‘guards’ in the heavens were increased. Allah says in the Quran,
‘And we have sought [to reach] the heaven but found it filled with powerful guards and burning flames.’
‘And we used to sit therein in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.’
‘And we do not know [therefore] whether evil is intended for those on earth or whether their Lord intends for them a right course.’ (Al-Jinn: 8-10)
The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself described how the jinn tried to steal the messages in the heaven. Abu-Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) informed him, “When Allah decrees a matter in heaven, the angels move their wings in submission to His word which is like a chain on a smooth stone. When their hearts are delivered from fear they say, ‘What did your Lord say?’ and receive the reply, ‘That which He said is the truth and He is the Most High and the Most Great.’ Then those who listen by stealth hear it (i.e., the jinn), and they are like this, some above others (and Sufyan a narrator, illustrated this point by turning his hand over and separating the fingers). Then one who hears the word passes it on to the one below him, and so forth until one of them passes it to the tongue of a soothsayer or diviner. Often a flame catches him before he is able to pass it on. He then mixes with it one hundred lies. People then ask, ‘Isn.t it true that he not made such a statement on a specific date,’ and he is believed because of that one word which was heard from the heavens.” (Recorded by al-Bukhari in his Sahih)
However, from the Hadith about the types of jinn, not all jinn can fly.
Possessing Bodies
Other than the above, Allah has given Jinn the ability to Possess matter in our 3D world. They have the power to possess parts of the human body, from possessing an organ to possessing the whole body/mind. They can possess a bird/animal and speak through its tongue, even possess stones and trees likewise. But they, however, cannot possess every human. I will discuss Jinn possession in detail soon Insha’Allah.
Visions & Illusions
Another of their abilities is controlling the Thoughts and Visions of a Human. Hallucination, Bad dreams are nothing but the work of Jinn – if not psychological.
Hadith from Sahih al-Bukhari:
“If one of you sees a dream that he likes, it is from Allah. He should praise Allah for it and he should relate it to others. If he sees what he dislikes, it is from Satan. He should seek refuge in Allah from it and not mention it to anyone. Thereby, it will not harm him.”
People have witnessed solid statues moving and speaking to them. However, they might appear static to others at the same time. From Surah Taha in the Quran, we come to know of the reality of such deceptions, those which the magicians display with the help of Jinn.
“[Moses] said, ‘No, you throw!’ Then lo! their cords and their staves, by their magic, appeared to him as though they ran” (at-Taha: 66)
Strong sense of Smell
Every human has a different composition of sweat, having a unique scent. Jinn are capable of following that. Magicians usually keep a piece of cloth/garment, belonging to the victim, with the CHARM/KEY. The Charm/Key acts as a portal & purpose for the jinn, and with it – the cloth/garment with the scent acts as an identity of the victim.
You are lucky to get a Djinn!
Now a days everyone wants a Djinn/Jinn just as bad as they want a car. They think they will accomplish great things. Get a great job, make lots of money, have lots of power, be on top of the world. Well, WAKE UP ! You have been reading too much crap and watching too much of Disney Channel and Hollywood sci-fi and fantasy Movies (Which is created by modern computer; Visual effect & CGI, search google "vfx").
If it is not meant for you to be a millionaire then how can a djinn change that ? A Jinn cannot change ones faith; only its creator ALLAH (SWT) can. While Djinn can ONLY assist in specific things we do, they too have limits. Due to the misleading facts "Djinn sellers" give, we now have come to believe that having a djinn equals having a great life.
Just think for a single minute, why conjurers are not millionaires? Why they are not the most powerful people in the world? Why do SOME choose to live in jungles or villages? Why do some charge for their services ? I mean they have a djinn, shouldn't they have a boat load of money laying somewhere?
While some DARK Djinn can bring power, fame and money, there is always a contract behind it that involves insane, gruesome acts and even at that, what you are promised is limited and you will pay for it in the afterlife and in many cases this life as well.
Many buy "Djinn" off eBay and anything good that comes to them, they say "By Golly my djinn just helped me win $50 from the scratch lotto ticket" ! Are you insane? Have you no common sense? So the people who do win off lottery tickets and whatever else is due to djinn? And why is your Djinn limiting it to only $50, why not $50,000 or even $500,000 ? I mean it’s a djinn right? Does it only have a $50 a month limit?
There is something in this world called luck; Google it. There is also something that makes everything happen; Allah (swt).
A Djinn can assist you, it can ONLY assist you. It cannot make you rich, it cannot make you find love, it cannot give you great power, it can’t, it can’t ! Djinn can do what a human can do, but just a bit more when it comes to money and materialist things..
Unless you get a powerful dark evil djinn and bind a contract with it or run across some "red mercury", "al-kiko" or some other offering that is near impossible to get; you will not get from a djinn what you think you will get.
Yes there is few ways to get such things from djinn and magic but it is not the right way and the things one must do or get is absurd, obscene and almost impossible.
If you are lucky to get a djinn, don't think great things will happen. I personally feel the use of Djinn should be limited to the prevention or reversal of magic, specific guidance and to help others who are indeed affected by black magic and/or have djinn related problems.
For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:
Djinn / Jinn Ring Of Control:
Used during 16 Exorcisms, and over 100 rituals for Haziri (bringing an entity under your control or obtaining a contact, commitment with an entity)
Djinn / Jinn Ring Of Lust And Desire:
This ring is said to be originated in Egypt, Once held by an individual that used it to lure women to commit sinful acts, Due to laws of the countries the owner of this ring was sentenced to prison for adultery. The ring was later given to a "Shaman" by the owners wife or possibly sister for safe keeping, eventually the ring came in my possession and I "relocked" it. The other two smaller rings were also given to me by a who acquired them from a magician. He was about to get engaged and he did not want have such items in his home according to him he had never used them.
Once the items were in my hands realized that they were locked and were not used
Ayn-Ali Inhabited By 7 Djinn / Jinns:
A personal item of mine that i had prepared over time. It is a fully unlocked amulet of this kind needs to have specific rituals done consistently to keep it unlocked, for this reason entities can be placed in such items to keep them unlocked.
Djinn / Jinn Sufi Staff OF Power / Spirituality Staff:
Owned by a "Sufi Healer" in Pakistan, Item is over 100 year old, It was used during spiritual practies, as well as numerous healing ,and Ruhani Rituals.
I obtained the staff over 25 years ago by another sufi Teacher when i visited Pakistan for specific kind of training . I never looked much into the power of the staff, but was told it mainly was created to deal with much kind of djinn / jinn related as well as spiritual issues.
Ruqya Nails:
Obtained from Lebanon a few years ago. commonly found throught the Middle Eeast but are unprepared.
Once prepared, the nails are nailed in specific parts of your home to keep away demonic presence as well as sihir ( Black magick)
Bamboo Pethuk:
Irq Alsawhili / Argy Sawahil:
Used to summon djinn / jinn, Control djinn / jinn. and them to do your bidding. for specific personal gains, also to increase spirituality, and much much more. It all comes down to the kind of Irq Alsawhili it is, if it was previously used , if so for what . A powerful, extremely powerful item if prepared properly. also having the correct one play a major roll, as specific Irq Alsawhili / Argy Sawahil can cause destruction.
5 Djinnya ( female djinn ) Ring.
This ring is over 120 years old.
The story behind the ring is as followed:
5 magician living in the same village conjured 5 female djinn, which were all sister, while the entities agreed to be binded, the agreement was to binding would be done in ONE vessel. Over a period of time one of the magicians wanted to move, another passed away, and the third wanted to sell his Djinnya to a client, the remaining 2 agreed they wanted to have their own Djinn. they took it among themselves to break the binding and place the 5 djinnya in 5 separate vessels. since this was against the original agreement, each of the magicians involved in "redoing" the binding suffered tragically. One was burnt alive in his home as he slept, another fell from his second-story flat and was paralyzed waist down, the one that wanted to move suffered a tragic financial crisis eventually passed from pneumonia, the one who wanted to sell his Djinnya, was not heard from. he had given ring to the magician who was paralyzed for safe keeping, the following morning the magician was never seen, the fifth magician as stated earlier had passed
prior to all of this from natural causes. i head this story while in Iraq knowing the only magician who was alive was the one who was paralyzed. I want to see him to see if the story true. After seeing him and speak to him for 5 hours I realized that the story was indeed very true . We stayed in contact mostly by letters, 2 years after i last saw him he had passed, the year later i was back in Iraq and I went to his family to give my respect, while there I was given 5 vessels, knowing the story i took it among myself to have the ring prepared as ONE ring with 5 stoned.
One story tells that a jealous djinni (sometimes identified as Asmodeus) stole Solomon’s ring while he bathed in the river Jordan. The djinni seated himself on the king’s throne at his palace and reigned over his kingdom, forcing Solomon to become a wanderer. God compelled the djinni to throw the ring into the sea. Solomon retrieved it, and punished the djinni by imprisoning him in a bottle.
For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:
It seems that the author of this article did not have enough sense to come up with his own text together in order to copy from BrotherRahman.
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