Friday 30 September 2016

Talismans Used To Enhance A Patient’s Healing

Crystals, stones, and talismans have fascinated mankind for centuries. From the earliest findings of amber and jet in the Baltic regions and in Europe as far back as 30,000 years ago, there has been a great value placed on them. It is thought by many that crystals have healing and cleansing properties... and that is how they are most known and used.
Ancient Sumeria and Ancient Egypt placed a mystical value on crystals and they were included in spells and magicks. Healing stones and protective amulets were part of their daily lives. Some had specific uses to enhance patients healing e.g 
Boosting blood cells, Chickenpox,Typhus,Influenza,Typhoid,Malaria,Measles,Tuberculosis,Yellow Fever, Small pox, Bubonic plague. We can still expect this treatment in some of these diseases e.g boosting C D4counts, Low sex drive in men e.t.c 
Healing Cup
After 30 years of practicing the Kabbalah and writing numerous talismans, Chief keyfukumbe was able to craft a special cup that holds all the secretes to the Kabbalah. The Cup consists of kabbalists names engraved inside it and is made of pure silver from the outside and plated gold from the inside.
Once the cup is engraved, it is then dipped in holy water to complete the purification process. The Cup is highly effective and attempts to clear away what feels like a ton of dense energy and old charge in after just one use.
Chief keyfukumbe's Healing Cup attempts to:
Minimize and eliminate allergy symptoms
Prevent and treat the common cold
Sustain normal cholesterol and blood pressure levels
Minimize the risk of a heart attack
Maintain a stable and healthy life
The cup also attempts to help people who suffer from evil eye curses and negative energies. The Chief recommends drinking from the Healing Cup on a daily basis either in the morning upon rising or at night prior to going to bed.
If you are having difficulty sleeping or with nightmares, this crystal is thought to bring relief from that. It is also a calming, relaxing crystal, intended to bring peace. Physically it is thought to be helpful in blood sugar disorders and imbalances. 


This particular crystal is used to keep negative energy at bay, especially negative energy from others. It is often placed throughout the home to guard against any visitors that might drain your space of positive energy.

This has been used since the time of the Ancient Egyptians to focus confused energies and thoughts with the goal of weeding out what is unnecessary and getting to the heart of an issue. This is a crystal you would want to have for times of excess stress.
These crystals are used in aiding the contact of spirit messengers or spirit guides. It is believed this particular crystal is able to cleanse itself of excess energies, as its very essence is that of balance. 

Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural god given powers together with the powers of good djinn in healing different disease and together with different problems

I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.

For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:

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