Friday 30 September 2016

Talismans Used To Enhance A Patient’s Healing

Crystals, stones, and talismans have fascinated mankind for centuries. From the earliest findings of amber and jet in the Baltic regions and in Europe as far back as 30,000 years ago, there has been a great value placed on them. It is thought by many that crystals have healing and cleansing properties... and that is how they are most known and used.
Ancient Sumeria and Ancient Egypt placed a mystical value on crystals and they were included in spells and magicks. Healing stones and protective amulets were part of their daily lives. Some had specific uses to enhance patients healing e.g 
Boosting blood cells, Chickenpox,Typhus,Influenza,Typhoid,Malaria,Measles,Tuberculosis,Yellow Fever, Small pox, Bubonic plague. We can still expect this treatment in some of these diseases e.g boosting C D4counts, Low sex drive in men e.t.c 
Healing Cup
After 30 years of practicing the Kabbalah and writing numerous talismans, Chief keyfukumbe was able to craft a special cup that holds all the secretes to the Kabbalah. The Cup consists of kabbalists names engraved inside it and is made of pure silver from the outside and plated gold from the inside.
Once the cup is engraved, it is then dipped in holy water to complete the purification process. The Cup is highly effective and attempts to clear away what feels like a ton of dense energy and old charge in after just one use.
Chief keyfukumbe's Healing Cup attempts to:
Minimize and eliminate allergy symptoms
Prevent and treat the common cold
Sustain normal cholesterol and blood pressure levels
Minimize the risk of a heart attack
Maintain a stable and healthy life
The cup also attempts to help people who suffer from evil eye curses and negative energies. The Chief recommends drinking from the Healing Cup on a daily basis either in the morning upon rising or at night prior to going to bed.
If you are having difficulty sleeping or with nightmares, this crystal is thought to bring relief from that. It is also a calming, relaxing crystal, intended to bring peace. Physically it is thought to be helpful in blood sugar disorders and imbalances. 


This particular crystal is used to keep negative energy at bay, especially negative energy from others. It is often placed throughout the home to guard against any visitors that might drain your space of positive energy.

This has been used since the time of the Ancient Egyptians to focus confused energies and thoughts with the goal of weeding out what is unnecessary and getting to the heart of an issue. This is a crystal you would want to have for times of excess stress.
These crystals are used in aiding the contact of spirit messengers or spirit guides. It is believed this particular crystal is able to cleanse itself of excess energies, as its very essence is that of balance. 

Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural god given powers together with the powers of good djinn in healing different disease and together with different problems

I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.

For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:

Thursday 29 September 2016

Powerful Talismans And Amulets

 A talisman is an object which is believed to contain certain magical properties which would provide good luck for the possessor and possibly offer protection from evil or harm. The word comes from the Arabic word Tilasm meaning "completion, religious rite". Amulets and talismans are often considered interchangeable despite their differences. An amulet is an object with natural magical properties, whereas a talisman must be charged with magical powers by a creator. The talisman can be created for a specific purpose while an amulet can be used for generic purposes such as protection, averting evil, or attracting good luck.

                                                         Egyptian Crystal-ink Talisman
It is believed that those who wear talismans receive miraculous powers and strength ... This object has the power to attract luck and extreme wealth to the possessor  



Seal of Solomon


 The Seal of Solomon, also known as the interlaced triangle, is another primeval talisman and amulet that has been commonly used in several religions; but though it is said to have been the emblem by which the wise king ruled the Djinn / Jinn, it could not have originated with him as its use dates back much further than the Jewish Dispensation.
As a talisman it was believed all-powerful, being the ideal symbol of the absolute, and was worn for protection against all fatalities, threats, and trouble, and to protect its wearer from all evil.
In its constitution, the triangle with its apex upwards represents good, and with the inverted triangle, evil: the triangle with its apex up being typical of the Trinity that exists in several religions; in India, China and Japan, its three angles represent Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer or Regenerator; in Egypt it represented Osiris, Isis and Horus; and in the Christian Church, the Holy Trinity. As a whole it stands for the elements of fire and spirit, composed of the three virtues (love, truth, and wisdom).
The triangle with its apex downward symbolized the element of water, and typified the material world, or the three enemies of the soul: the world, the flesh, and the Devil, and the cardinal sins, envy, hatred and malice. Therefore, the meaning of the two triangles interlaced, is the victory of spirit over matter, and at the beginning of our present civilization was believed an all-powerful talisman and amulet, especially when used with either a Cross of Tau, the Hebrew Yodh, or the Egyptian Crux Ansata in the center.

                                          Talismans in Medieval Medicine


Talisman and amulets were prescribed by medical practitioners in the medieval period. The utilization of such charms and prayers (referred to a Empirica in authoritative medical texts) were 'rarely a treatment of choice' due to the inability of such treatments. E.g.
  • Diabetes
  • Gourd 
  • Asthma 
  • Syphilis 
  • High Blood Pressure 
  • Swollen Legs And Headaches 
  • Gonorrhea 
  • Bad Or Long Periods 
  • Menstruation Pains 
  • Stroke 
  • Piles
  • All Joints Problems 
  • Back Pains 
  • Virginal Problems 
  • Chest Pain Problems 
  • Bad Smell
  • Over Weight / Loose Weight 
  • Wrinkles And Pimples 
  • Skin Rashes
  • Vitiligo And So Much More.                                                


A talisman is any object that is imbued with protective powers, and all cultures have manifestations of such objects. In the world of Islam, they bear Qur'anic inscriptions as well as images of prophets, astrological signs, and religious narratives. Many Muslims believe that an object that is inscribed with the word God (Allah) will protect the person who reads, touches, or sees it and that the word of God has the power to ward off evil. The surface of a talismanic object can be covered with prayers, signs, numbers, and decorative motifs, and the object is carried in a pocket, wallets, in a car or rolled and placed in an amulet case; some talismans are worn as clothing.

The most efficacious talismans are those that are inscribed with prayers that evoke the name of God and the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. The ninety-nine names of God, verses from the Qur'an, and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (hadith), for example, are appropriated and regenerated into texts that are meant to be good omens.
Talismans that contain inscriptions with the names of prophets and religious figures have the power to protect an individual from hardship and danger by acting as conduits between these holy figures and anyone carrying the talisman. This is also true of devotional manuals by religious leaders (shaikhs) with passages stating that whoever reads them will be protected from demons and supernatural beings (jinn). The written story about a prophet can be protective as well, with pictorial representations of that prophet and of the omens associated with him.
The representations of certain prophets are more efficacious than others, with Solomon's as the most powerful of all. Solomon had the ability to talk to animals and supernatural beings (jinn), and was renowned for his wisdom; Bilqis, Queen of Sheba, was converted to monotheism by witnessing that wisdom.
The Qur'an states Solomon's authority in a number of verses (Qur'anic verse 27:17), and his apotropaic seal, a six-pointed star or hexagram, occurs on many surfaces, such as a wood panel, a blade, and a scroll.
Many other religious narratives also carry talismanic powers. The story of the miracle of the seven sleepers of Ephesus (ashab al-kahf, or "people of the cave"), which is the subject of a chapter in the Qur'an (Surat al-Kahf), has particular powers for many Muslims. The act of reciting the story of the seven Christian men and their dog Qitmir who, fleeing persecution by the emperor Decius (r. 249-51 A.D.), found a cave and slept for several hundred years, protects the reader from harm, just as the seven sleepers and their dog were protected all those years.
Images of the Prophet Muhammad's cousin cAli ibn Abi Talib and those of Imam cAli, son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, with his two martyred sons Hasan and Husayn, also carry apotropaic properties. Ali's miraculous sword (Dhu'l fiqar) becomes a relic and talismanic object in Islam, and is represented across various media.
Talismans not only shield but guide their wearers; they are objects that reflect occult practices. Amulet cases, mirrors, boxes, weapons, talismanic shirts, or banners are capable of shielding a person or group of people from the forces of evil. When a person is confronted with an ethical dilemma, all he needs to do is consult the Qur'an or one of these objects for guidance.
These imbued objects are also used as tools for scientists or as cures prescribed by physicians for various ailments. The cAbbasids (r. 750Ð1258) played an active role in the transmission of knowledge and science from the Greco-Roman world, and Arabic translations of medical and astrological texts were integral to Islamic court and daily life.
Historically, the stars and the Qur'an were consulted for almost every action and medical condition, and stars and talismanic objects became interconnected; and just as the stories of the prophets found in the Qur'an acted as talismans, the stars, too, would guide a person on his/her journey in this life and the afterlife. Eventually, elaborate horoscopes and a science of letters that broke down the ninety-nine names of God (ilm al-huruf) to their individual letters were created at court to predict whether a ruler was to have an auspicious reign. Sometimes these letters can be found on the clasp of a casket. The objects discussed here demonstrate the ways in which science, magic, and religious belief work together to endow objects with talismanic powers and protect individuals from harm.
Talismans that contain inscriptions with the names of prophets and religious heroes have the power to protect an individual from hardship and danger by acting as a conduit between the two. -

                                                            Talisman Wood

Talismans are not exclusive to portable objects. In the following example, the Seal of Solomon (a hexagram) is depicted on a carved teakwood panel from cAbbasid Iraq. Unfortunately, the actual architectural edifice it came from remains a mystery. Yet it evokes the ways in which talismans are used on architectural surfaces. Like objects, a talisman protects a city, mosque, palace, or any edifice from unknown harm, be it a scorpion, a snake, a supernatural being, or an enemy. In addition, the Seal of Solomon seen here, as well as images of animals such as lions, snakes, and scorpions, were commonly used to protect buildings and their inhabitants from harsh weather and evil spirits.



Amulets are plentiful in the Jewish tradition, with examples of Solomon era amulets existing in many museums. Due to proscription of idols, Jewish amulets emphasize text and names - the shape, material or color of an amulet makes no difference.
The Jewish tallis (Yiddish-Hebrew form; plural is tallitot), the prayer shawl with fringed corners and knotted tassels at each corner, is perhaps one of the world's oldest and most used talismanic objects. Some believe it was intended to distinguish the Jews from pagans, as well as to remind them of God and Heaven. An incorrect conjugation of the plural form (with Ashkenazi pronunciation), "tallisim," is very close to the term "talisman;" however, this is an incorrect etymology as the word talisman is of Greek origin.
A little-known but well-worn amulet in the Jewish tradition is the kimiyah or "angel text". This consists of names of angels or Torah passages written on parchment squares by rabbinical scribes. The parchment is then placed in an ornate silver case and worn someplace on the body.
For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:

Wednesday 28 September 2016

What Are The Djinn / Jinn And What Are Their Abilities?

Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural god given powers together with the powers of good djinn in healing different disease and together with different problems
I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.

                                                     What Are The Djinn / Jinn?
Jinn (Arabic: الجن‎‎, al-jinn), also romanized as djinn or anglicized as genies (with the more broad meaning of demons), are supernatural creatures in early Arabian and later Islamic mythology and theology. An individual member of the jinn is known as a jinni, djinni, or genie (الجني, al-jinnī). They are mentioned frequently in the Quran (the 72nd sura is titled Sūrat al-Jinn) and other Islamic texts. The Quran says that the jinn are made of a smokeless and "scorching fire", but are also physical in nature, being able to interact in a tactile manner with people and objects and likewise be acted upon. The jinn, humans, and angels make up the three known sapient creations of God. Like human beings, the jinn can be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent and hence have free will like humans. The shaytan jinn are akin to demons in Christian tradition, but the jinn are not angels and the Quran draws a clear distinction between the two creations. The Quran states in Sūrat al-Kahf (The Cave), Ayah 50, that Iblis (Azazel) is one of the jinn.

                                   What Are The Abilities And The Strength Of The Djinn / Jinn?

                                            STRONG AND FAST MOVING DJINN RING
They can move from place to place very fast; and can carry objects/people along with them.  people  travel from place to place through the air –while carried by the jinn ( djinn)

                                                               Strong & Fast Moving  
They can move from place to place very fast; and can carry objects/people along with them. From Majmu-al-fatwa of Ibn Tamiyya, we find stories about people who used to travel from place to place through the air – they were all carried by the Jinn. More stories tell us about people who lived far away from each other. Yet they used to communicate with each other through messages, all exchanged by a Jinn. There are hundreds of other stories that confirm the same ability.

This ability is also confirmed from the Quran that when Solomon (as) asked his men whether there is anyone who will bring me the throne of Bilqis (Queen of Sheba – who was on her way to surrender to Solomon). An Efreet from among the Jinn promised Solomon (as) that he would be able to bring the throne of Sheba to Jerusalem in a period of time that was so short that a man would not be able to stand from his place of sitting. But one who had knowledge of the Book said, “I will bring it before your gaze returns to you” Allah has described this incident in the Quran with the following verses:

“A strong among the Jinn (efreet) said: I will bring it to you before you can rise from your place. Lo! I verily am strong and trusty for such work. One whom had knowledge of the scripture said: I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you. And when he saw it set in his presence, and he said, ‘This is from the bounties of my Lord’” (al-Naml: 39-40)

                                                                   Builders & Divers

It is also known from the Quran that the Jinn used to build Castles for Solomon, those who would dive into the depths of Oceans and bring jewels and pearls from the depths below.

“”And (We gave him – Solomon) certain of the jinn who worked before him by permission of his Lord. And such of them as deviated from Our command, them We caused to taste the punishment of flaming fire. They made for him what he willed: Synagogues and statues, basins like wells and boilers built into the ground”” (Saba 12-13).

““So We made the wind subservient unto him (Solomon), setting fair by His command whatever he intended. And the devils, every builder and diver (made We subservient), and others linked together in chains.”” (Saud 36-38)

Another verse in the Quran implies that they made Solomon a Castle of Glass [Quartz].

In preparation for the arrival of Bilqis, Prophet Sulayman (A) had ordered a palace of glass to be built. Under the glass floors, there was a pool of water with various kinds of fish swimming in it. When Bilqis arrived, he took her to the palace. The Holy Qur’an says:

“She was told, “Enter the palace.”; but when she saw it she thought there was a pool of water and bared her legs. (Sulayman) said, “Indeed this is but a place of glass.” (She) said, “My Lord! verily I have been unjust to myself. I submit with Sulayman to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.” (Quran 27:44)

Likewise, the Pyramids and the wonders of Petra are plausibly all the work of the Jinn. We find much affiliation between the pharaohs and the jinn of that time in Egypt. I will write about this in detail, soon Insha’Allah. – Next Page

                                                                Defying gravity

We can expect this ability from the above two characteristics. The jinn used to go to the lowest heaven to eavesdrop on the inhabitants of the heavens in order to find out what event would occur in the future. When the Prophet (saw) was sent his message the number of ‘guards’ in the heavens were increased. Allah says in the Quran,

‘And we have sought [to reach] the heaven but found it filled with powerful guards and burning flames.’
‘And we used to sit therein in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.’
‘And we do not know [therefore] whether evil is intended for those on earth or whether their Lord intends for them a right course.’ (Al-Jinn: 8-10)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself described how the jinn tried to steal the messages in the heaven. Abu-Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) informed him, “When Allah decrees a matter in heaven, the angels move their wings in submission to His word which is like a chain on a smooth stone. When their hearts are delivered from fear they say, ‘What did your Lord say?’ and receive the reply, ‘That which He said is the truth and He is the Most High and the Most Great.’ Then those who listen by stealth hear it (i.e., the jinn), and they are like this, some above others (and Sufyan a narrator, illustrated this point by turning his hand over and separating the fingers). Then one who hears the word passes it on to the one below him, and so forth until one of them passes it to the tongue of a soothsayer or diviner. Often a flame catches him before he is able to pass it on. He then mixes with it one hundred lies. People then ask, ‘Isn.t it true that he not made such a statement on a specific date,’ and he is believed because of that one word which was heard from the heavens.” (Recorded by al-Bukhari in his Sahih)
However, from the Hadith about the types of jinn, not all jinn can fly.

                                                               Possessing Bodies

Other than the above, Allah has given Jinn the ability to Possess matter in our 3D world. They have the power to possess parts of the human body, from possessing an organ to possessing the whole body/mind. They can possess a bird/animal and speak through its tongue, even possess stones and trees likewise. But they, however, cannot possess every human. I will discuss Jinn possession in detail soon Insha’Allah.

                                                                 Visions & Illusions

                                                       Who brought the throne of Bilqis?
                                                        Balkis (Queen of Sheba)

Another of their abilities is controlling the Thoughts and Visions of a Human. Hallucination, Bad dreams are nothing but the work of Jinn – if not psychological.

 “Allaah has given the jinn powers that he has not given to humans. Allaah has told us about some of their powers, such as the ability to move and travel quickly.
An ‘ifreet from among the jinn guaranteed to the Prophet Sulaymaan (peace be upon him) that he would bring the throne of the Queen of Yemen to Jerusalem in a moment faster than that needed for a man to get up from where he was sitting.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“An ‘ifreet (strong one) from the jinns said: ‘I will bring it [her throne] to you before you rise from your place (council). And verily, I am indeed strong, and trustworthy for such work.’ One with whom was knowledge of the Scripture said: ‘I will bring it to you within the twinkling of an eye!’ – then when Sulaymaan saw it placed before him, he said, ‘This is by the Grace of my Lord…’”

                                                              We are told:

“Solomon asked the jinns in his employ whether anyone among them could bring her throne to he palace before she arrived. One of them said; "I will bring it to you before this sitting is over." Solomon did not react to this offer; it appeared that he was waiting for a faster means. The jinns competed with each other to please him. One of them named Ifrit said: "I will fetch it for you in the twinkling of an eye!"
No sooner had this one - who had the knowledge of the Book - finished his phrase than the throne stood before Solomon. The mission had, indeed, been completed in the blinking of an eye. Solomon's seat was in Palestine, and the throne of Bilqis had been in Yemen, two thousand miles away. This was a great miracle performed by one of those sitting with Solomon.”

  “...When the King came to know of her departure, he ordered one of the Jinns to bring the magnificent throne of the queen in the twinkling of an eye. The command was obeyed immediately. When the queen arrived at the court of Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) after a long journey, she was asked to identify her throne. She recognised the throne and said:
"I am already aware of your power and majesty. I have come to you as your submissive servant."

                                                            Queen of Sheba

The Queen of Sheba is a Biblical figure. The tale of her visit to King Solomon has undergone extensive Jewish, Arabian, and Ethiopian elaborations, and has become the subject of one of the most widespread and fertile cycles of legends in the Orient.
The queen of Sheba (מַלְכַּת־שְׁבָא,[2] "malkat-šəḇā" in the Hebrew Bible, βασίλισσα Σαβὰ in the Septuagint, Syriac ܡܠܟܬ ܫܒܐ, Ethiopic ንግሥተ፡ሳባእ፡ came to Jerusalem "with a very great retinue, with camels bearing spices, and very much gold, and precious stones" (I Kings 10:2). "Never again came such an abundance of spices" (10:10; II Chron. 9:1–9) as those which she gave to Solomon. She came "to prove him with hard questions", all of which Solomon answered to her satisfaction. They exchanged gifts, after which she returned to her land.

The use of the term ḥiddot or "riddles" (I Kings 10:1), an Aramaic loanword whose shape points to a sound shift no earlier than the sixth century B.C., indicates a late origin for the text. Since there is no mention of the fall of Babylon in 539 B.C., Martin Noth has held that the Book of Kings received a definitive redaction around 550 B.C.

Christian scriptures mention a "queen of the South" (Greek: βασίλισσα νότου, Latin: Regina austri), who "came from the uttermost parts of the earth", i.e. from the extremities of the then known (Christian) world, to hear the wisdom of Solomon (Mt. 12:42; Lk. 11:31).


The mystical interpretation of the Canticles, which was felt of supplying a literal basis for the speculations of the allegorists, makes its first appearance in Origen, who wrote a voluminous commentary on the Canticles. In his commentary, Origen identified the bride of the Canticles with the "queen of the South" of the Gospels, i. e. the Queen of Sheba, who is assumed to have been Ethiopian. Others have proposed either the marriage of Solomon with Pharaoh's daughter, or his marriage with an Israelitish woman, the Shulamite. The former was the favorite opinion of the mystical interpreters to the end of the 18th century; the latter has obtained since its introduction by Good (1803).


According to Josephus (Ant. 8:165–73), the queen of Sheba was the queen of Egypt and Ethiopia, and brought to Israel the first specimens of the balsam, which grew in the Holy Land in the historian's time. Josephus (Antiquities 2.5-2.10) represents Cambyses as conquering the capital of Aethiopia, and changing its name from Seba to Meroe. Josephus affirms that the Queen of Sheba or Saba came from this region, and that it bore the name of Saba before it was known by that of Meroe. There seems also some affinity between the word Saba and the name or title of the kings of the Aethiopians, Sabaco.

The Talmud (Bava Batra 15b) insists that it was not a woman but a kingdom of Sheba (based on varying interpretations of Hebrew mlkt) that came to Jerusalem, obviously intended to discredit existing stories about the relations between Solomon and the Queen. Baba Bathra 15b: "Whoever says malkath Sheba (I Kings X, 1) means a woman is mistaken; ... it means the kingdom (מַלְכֻת) of Sheba".

The most elaborate account of the queen's visit to Solomon is given in the 8th century (?) Targum Sheni to Esther (see: Colloquy of the Queen of Sheba). A hoopoe informed Solomon that the kingdom of Sheba was the only kingdom on earth not subject to him and that its queen was a sun worshiper. He thereupon sent it to Kitor in the land of Sheba with a letter attached to its wing commanding its queen to come to him as a subject. She thereupon sent him all the ships of the sea loaded with precious gifts and 6,000 youths of equal size, all born at the same hour and clothed in purple garments. They carried a letter declaring that she could arrive in Jerusalem within three years although the journey normally took seven years. When the queen arrived and came to Solomon's palace, thinking that the glass floor was a pool of water, she lifted the hem of her dress, uncovering her legs. Solomon informed her of her mistake and reprimanded her for her hairy legs. She asked him three (Targ. Sheni to Esther 1:3) or, according to the Midrash (Prov. ii. 6; Yalḳ. ii., § 1085, Midrash ha-Hefez),


In the Quran, the story is essentially similar to the Bible and other Jewish sources. Solomon commanded the Queen of Sheba to come to him as a subject, whereupon she appeared before him (XXVII, 30–31, 45). Before the queen had arrived, Solomon had moved her throne to his place with the help of a jinn. She recognized the throne, which had been disguised, and finally accepted the faith of Solomon.

Muslim commentators such as al-Tabari, al-Zamakhshari, al-Baydawi supplement the story at various points. The Queen's name is given as Bilkis, probably derived from Greek παλλακίς or the Hebraised pilegesh, "concubine". According to some he then married the Queen, while other traditions assert that he gave her in marriage to a tubba of Hamdan. According to the Islamic tradition as represented by al-Hamdani, the queen of Sheba was the daughter of Ilsharah Yahdib,
For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:

Tuesday 27 September 2016

You are Lucky To Get A Djinn / Jinn

The Ability And Strength Of The Legendary Djinn / Jinn
Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural god given powers together with the powers of good djinn in healing different disease and together with different problems

I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.

Allah has given the jinn power and ability that He has not given humans. Allah has informed us of some of their ability, including great speed and strength, along with their ability to possess both living and nonliving bodies.
                           THE ABILITIES AND THE STRENGTH OF THE DJINN JINN      
They can move from place to place very fast; and can carry objects/people along with them.  people  travel from place to place through the air –while carried by the jinn ( djinn)

                                             Strong & Fast Moving
They can move from place to place very fast; and can carry objects/people along with them. From Majmu-al-fatwa of Ibn Tamiyya, we find stories about people who used to travel from place to place through the air – they were all carried by the Jinn. More stories tell us about people who lived far away from each other. Yet they used to communicate with each other through messages, all exchanged by a Jinn. There are hundreds of other stories that confirm the same ability.

This ability is also confirmed from the Quran that when Solomon (as) asked his men whether there is anyone who will bring me the throne of Bilqis (Queen of Sheba – who was on her way to surrender to Solomon). An Efreet from among the Jinn promised Solomon (as) that he would be able to bring the throne of Sheba to Jerusalem in a period of time that was so short that a man would not be able to stand from his place of sitting. But one who had knowledge of the Book said, “I will bring it before your gaze returns to you” Allah has described this incident in the Quran with the following verses:

“A strong among the Jinn (efreet) said: I will bring it to you before you can rise from your place. Lo! I verily am strong and trusty for such work. One whom had knowledge of the scripture said: I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you. And when he saw it set in his presence, and he said, ‘This is from the bounties of my Lord’” (al-Naml: 39-40)

                                                   Builders & Divers
It is also known from the Quran that the Jinn used to build Castles for Solomon, those who would dive into the depths of Oceans and bring jewels and pearls from the depths below.

“”And (We gave him – Solomon) certain of the jinn who worked before him by permission of his Lord. And such of them as deviated from Our command, them We caused to taste the punishment of flaming fire. They made for him what he willed: Synagogues and statues, basins like wells and boilers built into the ground”” (Saba 12-13).

““So We made the wind subservient unto him (Solomon), setting fair by His command whatever he intended. And the devils, every builder and diver (made We subservient), and others linked together in chains.”” (Saud 36-38)

Another verse in the Quran implies that they made Solomon a Castle of Glass [Quartz].

In preparation for the arrival of Bilqis, Prophet Sulayman (A) had ordered a palace of glass to be built. Under the glass floors, there was a pool of water with various kinds of fish swimming in it. When Bilqis arrived, he took her to the palace. The Holy Qur’an says:

“She was told, “Enter the palace.”; but when she saw it she thought there was a pool of water and bared her legs. (Sulayman) said, “Indeed this is but a place of glass.” (She) said, “My Lord! verily I have been unjust to myself. I submit with Sulayman to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.” (Quran 27:44)

Likewise, the Pyramids and the wonders of Petra are plausibly all the work of the Jinn. We find much affiliation between the pharaohs and the jinn of that time in Egypt. I will write about this in detail, soon Insha’Allah. – Next Page

                                                        Defying gravity
We can expect this ability from the above two characteristics. The jinn used to go to the lowest heaven to eavesdrop on the inhabitants of the heavens in order to find out what event would occur in the future. When the Prophet (saw) was sent his message the number of ‘guards’ in the heavens were increased. Allah says in the Quran,

‘And we have sought [to reach] the heaven but found it filled with powerful guards and burning flames.’
‘And we used to sit therein in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.’
‘And we do not know [therefore] whether evil is intended for those on earth or whether their Lord intends for them a right course.’ (Al-Jinn: 8-10)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself described how the jinn tried to steal the messages in the heaven. Abu-Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) informed him, “When Allah decrees a matter in heaven, the angels move their wings in submission to His word which is like a chain on a smooth stone. When their hearts are delivered from fear they say, ‘What did your Lord say?’ and receive the reply, ‘That which He said is the truth and He is the Most High and the Most Great.’ Then those who listen by stealth hear it (i.e., the jinn), and they are like this, some above others (and Sufyan a narrator, illustrated this point by turning his hand over and separating the fingers). Then one who hears the word passes it on to the one below him, and so forth until one of them passes it to the tongue of a soothsayer or diviner. Often a flame catches him before he is able to pass it on. He then mixes with it one hundred lies. People then ask, ‘Isn.t it true that he not made such a statement on a specific date,’ and he is believed because of that one word which was heard from the heavens.” (Recorded by al-Bukhari in his Sahih)
However, from the Hadith about the types of jinn, not all jinn can fly.

                                                      Possessing Bodies

Other than the above, Allah has given Jinn the ability to Possess matter in our 3D world. They have the power to possess parts of the human body, from possessing an organ to possessing the whole body/mind. They can possess a bird/animal and speak through its tongue, even possess stones and trees likewise. But they, however, cannot possess every human. I will discuss Jinn possession in detail soon Insha’Allah.

                                                       Visions & Illusions

Another of their abilities is controlling the Thoughts and Visions of a Human. Hallucination, Bad dreams are nothing but the work of Jinn – if not psychological.

                                       LEGENDARY DJINN / JINN RINGS

                                                RING OF CONTROL
Once held by a powerful middle-Eastern practioner over 30 years ago. Extremely rare with the powers to control any entities called forth, as well as any entities that are around us.
Used during 16 Exorcisms, and over 100 rituals for Haziri (bringing an entity under your control or obtaining a contact, commitment with an entity)

                                       RING OF LUST AND DESIRE
This ring is said to be originated in Egypt, Once held by an individual that used it to lure women to commit  sinful acts, Due to laws of the countries the owner of this ring was sentenced to prison for adultery. The ring was later given to a "Shaman" by the owners wife or possibly sister for safe keeping, eventually the ring came in my possession and I "re locked" it. The other two smaller rings were also given to me by a who acquired them from a magician. He was about to get engaged and he did not want have such items in his home according to him he had never used them.
Once the items were in my hands realized that they were locked and were not used

                                    AYN-ALI INHABITED BY 7JINNS
A personal item of mine that i had prepared over time. It is a fully unlocked amulet of this kind needs to have specific rituals done consistently to keep it unlocked, for this reason entities can be placed in such items to keep them unlocked.

Owned by a "Sufi Healer" in Pakistan, Item is over 100 year old, It was used during spiritual practies, as well as numerous healing ,and Ruhani Rituals.
I obtained the staff over 25 years ago by another sufi Teacher when i visited Pakistan for specific kind of training . I never looked much into the power of the staff, but was told it mainly was created to deal with much kind of djinn / jinn related as well as spiritual issues.

                                                            RUQYA NAILS
Obtained from Lebanon a few years ago. commonly found throught the Middle Eeast but are unprepared.
Once prepared, the nails are nailed in specific parts of your home to keep away demonic presence as well as sihir ( Black magick)

                                                          BAMBOO PETHUK
Obtained from Indonesia. Used to increase business, as well as protection . Entity inhabited.

                                          5 DJINNYA ( FEMALE DJINN ) RINGS
This ring is over 120 years old.
The story behind the ring is as followed:
5 magician living in the same village conjured 5 female djinns, which were all sister, while the entities agreed to be binded, the agreement was to binding would be done in ONE vessel. Over a period of time one of the magicians wanted to move, another passed away, and the third wanted to sell his Djinna to a client, the remaining 2 agreed they wanted to have their own Djinnyas. they took it among themselves to break the binding and place the 5 djinnya in 5 separate vessels. since this was against the original agreement, each of the magicians involved in "redoing" the binding suffered tragically. One was burnt alive in his home as he slept, another fell from his second-story flat and was paralyzed waist down, the one that wanted to move suffered a tragic financial crisis eventually passed from pneumonia, the one who wanted to sell his Djinnya, was not heard from. he had given ring to the magician who was paralyzed for safe keeping, the following morning the magician was never seen, the fifth magician as stated earlier had passed
prior to all of this from natural causes. i head this story while in Iraq knowing the only magician who was alive was the one who was paralyzed. I want to see him to see if the story true.  After seeing him and speak to him for 5 hours I realized  that  the story was indeed very true . We stayed in contact mostly by letters, 2 years  after i last saw him he had passed, the year later i was back in Iraq and I went to his family to give my respect, while there I was given 5 vessels, knowing the story i took it among myself to have the ring prepared as ONE ring with 5 stoned.

                                     RELATIONSHIP / MARRIAGE PROBLEM
                                                 CHAKRA READING
Enlightening you to your Seven Chakras. The Seven Chakras are the energy centers in our bodies where energy flows.

                                                    LOVE SPELLS
Love spells are my most common request and i do offer them in four different strengths levels.  As one of the most powerful spell caster that you will ever have the chance of working with. I will help you solve all your love and relationship problems, No matter how difficult or severe your situation may be.
Love spells can be cast to Return  your lost love or to make someone to fall in love with You, Call your soul-mate into your life, or to remove any problems or obstacles from your relationship
                                               MARRIAGE SPELLS

You have managed to find your true love and you want that special someone to invite you into a blissful marriage. You want use the marriage spell to enlist the help of the universe and positive energies  to bring him or her to their knees in proposition of marriage. Or Perhaps you are feeling  the pressure of family and society and have determined that your current partner is worthy of a lifelong bond. This is the spell for you.
Spending you lives together. The marriage spell is designed to facilitate this process and to create those magical moments with out the worry and hassle of waiting

                                              WICCA LOVE SPELLS
Wicca is a modern religion that is based on pagan practices and principles which have been passed down for centuries, originating in per-Christian Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. The word Wicca is originally an Old English word, meaning “wise one”. Those who followed the path of witchcraft in the old days were in tune with the forces of nature, and were often seen as respected healers and advisers, because they understood how to work with natural energies in order to affect everyday reality. Modern-day Wicca is not a dogmatic religion, and there are no long lists of rules to follow, save one: 'An it harm none, do what ye will. Wiccans honour and respect this Earth and all its inhabitants, and we treat every plant, animal and human as an aspect of the Divine. When we perform witchcraft, we do so with the utmost respect, and with the intention to harm none. To learn more about Wicca, visit this article explaining

                                       WICCAN CLEANSING RITUAL
Every day our energy fields are being interfered with by people, events, and even our own thoughts. Negative energy can attach to us and block our flow, which can bring us down, cause irritation and drain our vitality. It’s important to keep ourselves in check to make sure we are not being too affected by this. Eating well, exercising, spending time in nature and meditating are all good ways to restore our energy flow and stay balanced, but sometimes we need a little extra help. This cleansing ritual can be performed at any time when you’re feeling low, tired or otherwise affected by negativity.

                                         LOVE SPELL OF DESIRE
To make a man desire you, scribe his full name and yours up on a thick red candle under the waxing moon (when the moon is getting fuller*) and when the moon is in the house of Scorpio.  Anoint the candle with your vaginal secretions; light it, repeating the following magical incantation three times, each time with more force and conviction than the last. 
“Crimson Candle, Bright with Fire
Bewitch (man’s full name) with Desire!” 
Now close your eyes, you may lie down, and visualize the man of your dreams making love to you.  Continue the erotic visualization each night until the candle burns out.  (Be careful with this one it often works a little too well.  Also, if your vaginal secretions don’t appeal to you use musk but consider that this may not be a good spell for you at all.
Traditionally, anointing a candle in Wicca is called "dressing".  For love spells, start at the bottom and work upwards to build energy, downward for banishing, and from the middle when a balance is desired.   
One more important reminder: always be extremely careful with candles.  10,000 homes a year burn from candle fires, over 1,000 people are injured and nearly a hundred burned alive--especially children.  Never leave a candle burning unattended and always have a fire extinguisher ready.    Mine is consecrated and lives under my altar.    We've had enough burning in our long history for us to add ourselves and our families to the fires of ignorance, in the case, our own.

                                             LOVE POTIONS                                                            

                                           PHERONE FORMULA
Contains a blend of copulins and pheromones. Independent research has shown that the copulins in this formula increase men's testosterone levels by 150 percent in minutes, and the additional pheromones provide an aura of youthful attractiveness.

The success rate of many of these types of so-called love potions is due to the placebo effect. Sure, the pheromones are likely to send off some sort of chemical signal, but the idea that you're more attractive initially makes you, well, more attractive. You're confident, carry yourself better, and are more sociable. Thus, you get more attention from the opposite sex. That ain't the potion darling, that's simply you.

True love is our real-life magic. Why would we want to try to tamper with it?

If love potions were real, would you use them?
                                         HUMAN EUPHORIA
This natural aphrodisiac is based on the isolation and synthesis of unique pheromone compounds.

                                            PURE INSTINCT
This fragrance oil is specially infused with pheromones to stimulate sex appeal and sends out subconscious romantic signals to the opposite sex. I actually have a bottle of this that I bought for fun during a bachelorette party -- will have to put it to the test.

                                 HARMONIOUS LOVE POTIONS
One of our most popular Love Potion variants returns one more time! A honey of a variant of the one which started it all…our deliciously decadent and lust-inspiring Love Potion base of vanilla, amber and patchouli framing a aureate centerpiece of ripe juicy apricot soaked in four types of honey…incredibly luscious! And for an extra oomph of passion we've paired it with our exclusive GOTCHA! pheromone formula. GOTCHA! is a sensual sexual attractant, but more importantly with a little something extra...something to help erode his fears, something to help him let go of his inhibitions, something to help nudge him off that cliff of indecision and into your arms.

                                     BLACK LOVE POTION
A deep, dark and ultra-sensuous Love Potion variety, that's dense with erotic appeal. A blend of thick, rich Vanilla Bean, aged and Indonesian Patchouli resins, Honeycomb and Brown Sugar, Amber resin, and a luscious Chypre blend. Extravagantly, deliciously rich!

                                    LOVE POTION BLUE
Guys, you've been asking for this for a long time. Your voices have been heard and the result is Love Potion: Homme, comprised of our classic Love Potion base of deep and luscious Vanilla, Amber, Patchouli and a bright spark of Apricot. But because we appreciate the dark mystery about you, we've incorporated Mahogany, Vetiver, Sandalwood and a touch of Black Coffee. This combination of ingredients is wildly sexy, yet designed to ground you and give you clarity, focus and determination to aid in business, along with an element of luck and an air of exotic sensuality. With Love Potion: Homme, you're the master of your fate, the captain of your own ship. The power is yours. Reach out and take it.


Bring back lost lover , Broken marriage and family differences.
Get pregnant to a baby of your choice , infertility and impotent , all types
of divorce cases , get married to your soulmate .
Financial Problems.
Get rid of debts , job seeking ,business boost and protection,
promotions at work , wining tenders ,gambling ,lottery and casinos.

i,e. Diabetes ,gourd , Asthma ,Syphilis ,high blood pressure , swollen legs
and headaches ,gonorrhea ,bad or long periods ,menstruation pains , stroke ,
piles, all joints problems ,back pains ,virginal problems ,chest pain problems ,
bad smell, over weight / loose weight ,wrinkles and pimples ,skin rashes,
shortsightedness, pressure , improving CD 4-accounts,
warts cleanings and many others.
Stop drugs , alcohol , smoking and other
forms of addictions.
Sexual life , men and Women.
Boost feelings in both men and Women , stop quick ejaculations
in men , Are you dry and herbal enlargement in Men.
NB;Natural powers to priest and Sangoma ,pass exams ,interpretation of dreams, you want to
know about your future ,remove bad luck and witch craft.

For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:

Monday 26 September 2016

You Are Lucky To Get A Djinn / Jinn.

 The Ability And Strength Of The Legendary Djinn / Jinn

Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural God given powers together with the powers of good djinn / jinn in healing different disease and together with different problems

 I Treat Different Spiritual Diseases And Different Spiritual Problems According To One’s Beliefs I Do Everything In Broad Day Light Because The  Darkness Makes Darkness and the Light Make Lightness.

Allah has given the jinn power and ability that He has not given humans. Allah has informed us of some of their ability, including great speed and strength, along with their ability to possess both living and nonliving bodies.

Strong & Fast Moving

They can move from place to place very fast; and can carry objects/people along with them. From Majmu-al-fatwa of Ibn Tamiyya, we find stories about people who used to travel from place to place through the air – they were all carried by the Jinn. More stories tell us about people who lived far away from each other. Yet they used to communicate with each other through messages, all exchanged by a Jinn. There are hundreds of other stories that confirm the same ability.

This ability is also confirmed from the Quran that when Solomon (as) asked his men whether there is anyone who will bring me the throne of Bilqis (Queen of Sheba – who was on her way to surrender to Solomon). An Efreet from among the Jinn promised Solomon (as) that he would be able to bring the throne of Sheba to Jerusalem in a period of time that was so short that a man would not be able to stand from his place of sitting. But one who had knowledge of the Book said, “I will bring it before your gaze returns to you” Allah has described this incident in the Quran with the following verses:

“A strong among the Jinn (efreet) said: I will bring it to you before you can rise from your place. Lo! I verily am strong and trusty for such work. One whom had knowledge of the scripture said: I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you. And when he saw it set in his presence, and he said, ‘This is from the bounties of my Lord’” (al-Naml: 39-40)

Builders & Divers

It is also known from the Quran that the Jinn used to build Castles for Solomon, those who would dive into the depths of Oceans and bring jewels and pearls from the depths below.

“”And (We gave him – Solomon) certain of the jinn who worked before him by permission of his Lord. And such of them as deviated from Our command, them We caused to taste the punishment of flaming fire. They made for him what he willed: Synagogues and statues, basins like wells and boilers built into the ground”” (Saba 12-13).

““So We made the wind subservient unto him (Solomon), setting fair by His command whatever he intended. And the devils, every builder and diver (made We subservient), and others linked together in chains.”” (Saud 36-38)

Another verse in the Quran implies that they made Solomon a Castle of Glass [Quartz].

In preparation for the arrival of Bilqis, Prophet Sulayman (A) had ordered a palace of glass to be built. Under the glass floors, there was a pool of water with various kinds of fish swimming in it. When Bilqis arrived, he took her to the palace. The Holy Qur’an says:

“She was told, “Enter the palace.”; but when she saw it she thought there was a pool of water and bared her legs. (Sulayman) said, “Indeed this is but a place of glass.” (She) said, “My Lord! verily I have been unjust to myself. I submit with Sulayman to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.” (Quran 27:44)

Likewise, the Pyramids and the wonders of Petra are plausibly all the work of the Jinn. We find much affiliation between the pharaohs and the jinn of that time in Egypt. I will write about this in detail, soon Insha’Allah. – Next Page

Defying gravity

We can expect this ability from the above two characteristics. The jinn used to go to the lowest heaven to eavesdrop on the inhabitants of the heavens in order to find out what event would occur in the future. When the Prophet (saw) was sent his message the number of ‘guards’ in the heavens were increased. Allah says in the Quran,

‘And we have sought [to reach] the heaven but found it filled with powerful guards and burning flames.’
‘And we used to sit therein in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.’
‘And we do not know [therefore] whether evil is intended for those on earth or whether their Lord intends for them a right course.’ (Al-Jinn: 8-10)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself described how the jinn tried to steal the messages in the heaven. Abu-Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) informed him, “When Allah decrees a matter in heaven, the angels move their wings in submission to His word which is like a chain on a smooth stone. When their hearts are delivered from fear they say, ‘What did your Lord say?’ and receive the reply, ‘That which He said is the truth and He is the Most High and the Most Great.’ Then those who listen by stealth hear it (i.e., the jinn), and they are like this, some above others (and Sufyan a narrator, illustrated this point by turning his hand over and separating the fingers). Then one who hears the word passes it on to the one below him, and so forth until one of them passes it to the tongue of a soothsayer or diviner. Often a flame catches him before he is able to pass it on. He then mixes with it one hundred lies. People then ask, ‘Isn.t it true that he not made such a statement on a specific date,’ and he is believed because of that one word which was heard from the heavens.” (Recorded by al-Bukhari in his Sahih)

However, from the Hadith about the types of jinn, not all jinn can fly.

Possessing Bodies

Other than the above, Allah has given Jinn the ability to Possess matter in our 3D world. They have the power to possess parts of the human body, from possessing an organ to possessing the whole body/mind. They can possess a bird/animal and speak through its tongue, even possess stones and trees likewise. But they, however, cannot possess every human. I will discuss Jinn possession in detail soon Insha’Allah.

Visions & Illusions

Another of their abilities is controlling the Thoughts and Visions of a Human. Hallucination, Bad dreams are nothing but the work of Jinn – if not psychological.

Hadith from Sahih al-Bukhari:

“If one of you sees a dream that he likes, it is from Allah. He should praise Allah for it and he should relate it to others. If he sees what he dislikes, it is from Satan. He should seek refuge in Allah from it and not mention it to anyone. Thereby, it will not harm him.”

People have witnessed solid statues moving and speaking to them. However, they might appear static to others at the same time. From Surah Taha in the Quran, we come to know of the reality of such deceptions, those which the magicians display with the help of Jinn.

“[Moses] said, ‘No, you throw!’ Then lo! their cords and their staves, by their magic, appeared to him as though they ran” (at-Taha: 66)

Strong sense of Smell

Every human has a different composition of sweat, having a unique scent. Jinn are capable of following that. Magicians usually keep a piece of cloth/garment, belonging to the victim, with the CHARM/KEY. The Charm/Key acts as a portal & purpose for the jinn, and with it – the cloth/garment with the scent acts as an identity of the victim.

You are lucky to get a Djinn!
Now a days everyone wants a Djinn/Jinn just as bad as they want a car. They think they will accomplish great things. Get a great job, make lots of money, have lots of power, be on top of the world. Well, WAKE UP ! You have been reading too much crap and watching too much of Disney Channel and Hollywood sci-fi and fantasy Movies (Which is created by modern computer; Visual effect & CGI, search google "vfx").

If it is not meant for you to be a millionaire then how can a djinn change that ? A Jinn cannot change ones faith; only its creator ALLAH (SWT) can. While Djinn can ONLY assist in specific things we do, they too have limits. Due to the misleading facts "Djinn sellers" give, we now have come to believe that having a djinn equals having a great life.

Just think for a single minute, why conjurers are not millionaires? Why they are not the most powerful people in the world? Why do SOME choose to live in jungles or villages? Why do some charge for their services ? I mean they have a djinn, shouldn't they have a boat load of money laying somewhere?

While some DARK Djinn can bring power, fame and money, there is always a contract behind it that involves insane, gruesome acts and even at that, what you are promised is limited and you will pay for it in the afterlife and in many cases this life as well.

Many buy "Djinn" off eBay and anything good that comes to them, they say "By Golly my djinn just helped me win $50 from the scratch lotto ticket" ! Are you insane? Have you no common sense? So the people who do win off lottery tickets and whatever else is due to djinn? And why is your Djinn limiting it to only $50, why not $50,000 or even $500,000 ? I mean it’s a djinn right? Does it only have a $50 a month limit?

There is something in this world called luck; Google it. There is also something that makes everything happen; Allah (swt).

A Djinn can assist you, it can ONLY assist you. It cannot make you rich, it cannot make you find love, it cannot give you great power, it can’t, it can’t ! Djinn can do what a human can do, but just a bit more when it comes to money and materialist things..

Unless you get a powerful dark evil djinn and bind a contract with it or run across some "red mercury", "al-kiko" or some other offering that is near impossible to get;  you will not get from a djinn what you think you will get.

Yes there is few ways to get such things from djinn and magic but it is not the right way and the things one must do or get is absurd, obscene and almost impossible.

If you are lucky to get a djinn, don't think great things will happen. I personally feel the use of Djinn should be limited to the prevention or reversal of magic, specific guidance and to help others who are indeed affected by black magic and/or have djinn related problems.

For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit:


                              Djinn / Jinn Ring Of Control:

 Once held by a powerful middle-Eastern practioner over 30 yaers ago. Exremely rare with the powers to control any entities called forth, as well as any entities that are around us.
Used during 16 Exorcisms, and over 100 rituals for Haziri (bringing an entity under your control or obtaining a contact, commitment with an entity)

                     Djinn / Jinn Ring Of Lust And Desire:

This ring is said to be originated in Egypt, Once held by an individual that used it to lure women to commit  sinful acts, Due to laws of the countries the owner of this ring was sentenced to prison for adultery. The ring was later given to a "Shaman" by the owners wife or possibly sister for safe keeping, eventually the ring came in my possession and I "relocked" it. The other two smaller rings were also given to me by a who acquired them from a magician. He was about to get engaged and he did not want have such items in his home according to him he had never used them.
Once the items were in my hands realized that they were locked and were not used

                    Ayn-Ali Inhabited By 7 Djinn / Jinns:
A personal item of mine that i had prepared over time. It is a fully unlocked amulet of this kind needs to have specific rituals done consistently to keep it unlocked, for this reason entities can be placed in such items to keep them unlocked.

       Djinn / Jinn Sufi Staff OF Power / Spirituality Staff:
Owned by a "Sufi Healer" in Pakistan, Item is over 100 year old, It was used during spiritual practies, as well as numerous healing ,and Ruhani Rituals.
I obtained the staff over 25 years ago by another sufi Teacher when i visited Pakistan for specific kind of training . I never looked much into the power of the staff, but was told it mainly was created to deal with much kind of djinn / jinn related as well as spiritual issues.

                                          Ruqya Nails:
Obtained from Lebanon a few years ago. commonly found throught the Middle Eeast but are unprepared.
Once prepared, the nails are nailed in specific parts of your home to keep away demonic presence as well as sihir ( Black magick)

                                     Bamboo Pethuk:

Obtained from Indonesia. Used to increase business, as well as protection . Entity inhabited.

                            Irq  Alsawhili / Argy Sawahil:


 Used to summon djinn / jinn, Control djinn / jinn. and them to do your bidding. for specific personal gains, also to increase spirituality, and much much more. It all comes down to the kind of  Irq  Alsawhili  it is, if it was previously used , if so for what . A powerful, extremely powerful item if prepared properly. also having the correct one play a major roll, as specific Irq Alsawhili / Argy Sawahil can cause destruction.

                             5 Djinnya ( female djinn ) Ring.
This ring is over 120 years old.
The story behind the ring is as followed:
5 magician living in the same village conjured 5 female djinn, which were all sister, while the entities agreed to be binded, the agreement was to binding would be done in ONE vessel. Over a period of time one of the magicians wanted to move, another passed away, and the third wanted to sell his Djinnya to a client, the remaining 2 agreed they wanted to have their own Djinn. they took it among themselves to break the binding and place the 5 djinnya in 5 separate vessels. since this was against the original agreement, each of the magicians involved in "redoing" the binding suffered tragically. One was burnt alive in his home as he slept, another fell from his second-story flat and was paralyzed waist down, the one that wanted to move suffered a tragic financial crisis eventually passed from pneumonia, the one who wanted to sell his Djinnya, was not heard from. he had given ring to the magician who was paralyzed for safe keeping, the following morning the magician was never seen, the fifth magician as stated earlier had passed
prior to all of this from natural causes. i head this story while in Iraq knowing the only magician who was alive was the one who was paralyzed. I want to see him to see if the story true.  After seeing him and speak to him for 5 hours I realized  that  the story was indeed very true . We stayed in contact mostly by letters, 2 years  after i last saw him he had passed, the year later i was back in Iraq and I went to his family to give my respect, while there I was given 5 vessels, knowing the story i took it among myself to have the ring prepared as ONE ring with 5 stoned.


One story tells that a jealous djinni (sometimes identified as Asmodeus) stole Solomon’s ring while he bathed in the river Jordan. The djinni seated himself on the king’s throne at his palace and reigned over his kingdom, forcing Solomon to become a wanderer. God compelled the djinni to throw the ring into the sea. Solomon retrieved it, and punished the djinni by imprisoning him in a bottle.

For More Information Contact Chief Keyfukumbe:
Phone: +27 63-099-9512
Or Visit: